Why we need a therapy pool
The Beehive provides a base for 50 adults with conditions including Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, chromosomal disorders, undiagnosed syndromes and profound and multiple learning disabilities, to enjoy life enriching activities and much-needed therapy. It is an amazing facility, truly enriching lives.
However, we can’t provide the high level of therapy needed by ever growing numbers of adults with disabilities. This is largely due to medical progress which is enabling many children with incredibly complex disabilities to survive into adulthood where they previously would not. We are able to offer hydrotherapy to children at our specialist school, but have no facilities to continue this when they become adults, even though they need and deserve it just as much.
Most of the adults supported by the charity are unable to use public swimming pools due to the low water temperature and poor accessibility, and there are no warm pool facilities in Dorset dedicated to providing therapy for adults with lifelong disabilities.
Without a therapy pool we are unable to meet the increasingly complex needs of adults with profound disabilities.
Transforming lives - Amelia’s story
16-year-old daughter Amelia is supported by Diverse Abilities. Her Dad Lee describes Diverse Abilities’ services as absolutely critical.
“If Amelia benefits, we do as a family. She gets to spend time with other children and do fun activities and we get time to recharge, get organised, to ensure we are being the best parents we can be.
“A new pool for adults will be incredible. Amelia always loves hydrotherapy, the feeling of being free, of not being confined to other equipment, the relaxation and fun. It has so many benefits.”
But as Amelia turns 18 soon, we are growing concerned…
Her health and social needs do not change overnight, but her world will. Continuity of vital support for children going into adulthood should not change based upon age alone.
This is why we are so pleased to know that Diverse Abilities is working to ensure the charity’s provision for adults develops to match that which children already receive. To know that efforts are being made to ensure Amelia and others will be receive the same care once they are adults is great.
A new pool for adults will be incredible. Amelia always loves hydrotherapy, the feeling of being free, of not being confined to other equipment, the relaxation and fun. It has so many benefits.
On behalf of Amelia, thank you to those of you who have donated to the Splash Appeal already and to those who hope to.”